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Friday, September 28, 2012

Getting Traffic 201 - Advertising With Videos

You might not think you can afford to have a smooth, professional looking video advertisement for your website or blog like big companies do.  I mean, having a professional video made just for you can cost tens of thousands of dollars, right?  Well yes, they can actually.  Companies like CocaCola and Intel spend so much money every year on video advertising that it makes my head spin.  The truth is though, that you can have your very own video ad for the price of a Burger King meal.

Head over to Fiverr and check out their video introductions.  For a five dollar bill you can have your own video to upload to YouTube, your blog, or other video sharing sites.

Ok, ok, I know what you're thinking.  How is having a video going to bring me more traffic if it's not on TV in front of millions of viewers?  Well here's the thing: if you upload it to YouTube, then it will be in front of millions of viewers.

In the past I've used my YouTube channel to advertise other blogs of mine like CBSB and Photoshop Helps.  By checking the analytics on my sites I've been able to determine that YouTube has generated huge amounts of traffic for me.  Check out the newest promo video I got on Fiverr for Hot Shot Blogger below:

Granted, you're not going to generate huge amounts of traffic at first, especially if you don't have any YouTube followers.  If  however you upload helpful tutorials about your niche along with your promo videos, use high traffic keywords as tags and a title, and put a link to your site at the top of every description, you will start to see an increase in traffic to your blog.  In time as you add more and more YouTube videos, the traffic will continue to grow.  As a side effect, if you've effectively researched and used your keywords in the video title, descriptions, and tags, then you may one day find your video on page one of Google.

You don't have to purchase every video you upload to YouTube, although, having a professionally made intro and outro in each of your videos will help to gain some popularity.  I mostly use Windows Movie Maker, which is a free software that comes with Windows.  When you do order a video intro or the like on Fiverr, be sure to ask the seller to send you the video in a format that your video editing software can handle.  As an example: often Fiverr sellers want to send me a video in .mp4 format, which just doesn't work with Windows Movie Maker.

What I want you to take away from this post is two things:

1) You can have a stylish, professional advertisement made just for you for the price of a hamburger.
2) Uploading video promos and tutorials to sites like YouTube has the potential to drive large amounts of traffic to your site.

Just because your blog is small right now doesn't mean you have to settle with being mediocre.  So go ahead, go get your video promo and show it off to the masses, and feel like you, are a blogging rock star.

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