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Friday, November 16, 2012

Getting Traffic 304 - Twitter Rank

If you're trying to drive traffic to your site, Twitter is a great way to do it.  You can start a Twitter campaign and get your content out to the masses.  But how do you know what to tweet 10 times a day?  How do you know what kind of visibility your tweets are getting... aka how many people are your tweets reaching?

Well luckily for you I've just discovered another free tool on the net for you to use and I'm pretty excited to share it with you.  Click HERE to go to the Twitter Rank checker.  The higher rank you have, the more visibility your urls are getting.  This tool is pretty awesome, not only because it shows you your visibility, but also because it shows you what others are tweeting about your competition.  That might not seem like a big deal, but let's talk about building a Twitter reputation for a moment.

If you're a new Twitter user, you're going to have a very low reputation.  People don't know who you are, and they probably don't care.  If you do have some followers though (i.e. you've added people in your niche and they've followed you back), then you have a chance to start building up your reputation with them.  You don't want to seem like that spammy sort of Twitter user that only tweets their own urls do you?  Of course not.  Instead you want to post your own content as well as relevant and interesting content from other websites, yes, even if it's from a competitor's site.  If you're constantly tweeting out awesome content that will interest your followers, your reputation will go up with them and they'll become more interested in visiting your own content when you do share it with them.  This is where this Twitter Rank Check tool comes in handy.  You can see what is being tweeted thousands of times about your competition and then snag the url and tweet it yourself.

Back to the example of your cat website... yes, that again.  You're out of ideas about what to tweet, so you put in your url and a competitor url in the Twitter Rank Checker Tool.  The tool brings up several tweets that are very popular from your competitors and have been tweeted thousands of times.  You see a tweet about an amazing new product to help you train your cat.  It seems relevant to your followers, and you think they'll appreciate the link, so you tweet it out.  Viola, the tool has helped you already.

It's also good to keep an eye on your Twitter rank vs your competitor's so you can try to keep up with them.  This tool is also good to keep track of new twitter campaigns you may decided to run such as giveaways focused on twitter entries (Check out #9 in THIS post).

Overall I'm going to give this tool a 10/10 because it's free, easy to use, and invaluable in monitoring your Twitter rank, competitor's tweets, and twitter campaigns in the short or long term.

Do you know of more great Twitter tracking tools?  Let us know in a comment below!  Don't forget to subscribe and share for more great tips and tricks to growing your blog!


Twitter definitely uses the social media to the utmost advantage not only for people but for business, i think its better than face book and a few other paid advertising places as well~

I think twitter is a cool tool. I only recently joined for the Wacom Contest giveaway and i can already see how it could be used to promote yourself on other websites, your companies, or products, etc. Twitter rank is an interesting concept that is way too big for me...

@Kari_Jessie I agree. @Katie, it's never to late to start thinking about the impact you're having on Twitter, or the impact other tweets are having on your site. Thanks for the comments!

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